Avi Falls in Love

Going to visit ENP was one of the most exhilarating experiences. Walking next to the largest land mammal and witnessing how majestic they are really puts a lot in perspective. It is our responsibilty as humans to protect and respect all life, ENP is a crowning example of this. When returning to Texas, I realized that only my body was on the flight. My heart and soul remained in Northern Thailand.

Katz Coffee is the roaster for ENP Coffee. Please Visit https://enpcoffee.com/ to purchase coffee, volunteer or support today!

Cyndi’s Fantastic Voyage to Honduras 2016

My first trip to origin brought me to Marcala, Honduras. I was blown away by not only the coffees they produce but the people that dedicate their lives to growing and cultivating such an amazing product. I had the pleasure of touring, tasting and spending time with the farmers, their families and friends. The love that they put into their work comes through in every sip. These Honduras coffees are some of the best coffees I’ve ever had.